Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How to write an effective Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Employing professionals is no more an easy job, neither for the recruiter nor for the applicant, with hundreds of students graduating every year from one single college. The applicant to job ratio has shown a tremendous growth over the passing years. The employer has to make his choice with their limited vacancies from the many applicants as per their need for the post. So, what makes them stand out in the crowd? Is it their qualifications, job experience, exceptional talent or rather how they project it? Well, it is needless to say that a good packaging always attracts attention.
Why, do you think a recruiter will pick up your curriculum vitae amongst so many on his table? The answer is he finds it attractive. Yes, the key to your next step to the job position is getting that attention. So get set to get some CV advice to build a profressional yet attractive CV.

The first CV advice is that you should always keep in mind that the CV you are about to write is for the recruiter and not yourself. Therefore you will have to know about the company, position and the product you wish to work for. Get into the recruiter’s shoes and then design your curriculum vitae.

A vitae, CV or curriculum vitae is described as a written description of your past work experience, educational qualifications, related skills and personal details so the recruiter can find out about you well in advance and decide whether or not you should be interviewed. The word “curriculum vitae” is Latin in origin which literally means “course of life”. It is a “living document” that reveals the progress in one’s professional career and therefore needs to be reorganized regularly.

An important piece of CV advice that most professional writers give, is that it is not necessary to include everything in the CV. For the CV to be precise, effective and interesting one needs to include only those experiences, projects and qualifications that relate the most to the job opening. Try and show how you contributed to the growth of the previous organisation by quantifying your achievements. Unless you are a fresh graduate, mention your work experience before your educational qualifications, beginning from the most recent one along with the time duration and designation you worked in.

Try and keep your resume short as a lengthy CV could be time consuming and boring. Keep the length of your CV one or two pages long depending on an individual’s related work experience and other details. Use readable font size and make the points bold that you want the recruiter to pay extra attention to and bullet point each detail for quick viewing.

It is completely an individual’s judgement on how he wants their CV to look, but seeking advice from a professional CV writer is always an added advantage.

Article written by Mike Kelley (CV Writer). You can see more about writing CVs and download some professional CV templates at

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